
Between The Hours Of Cat & Bat


blue-black wing thrashing
a thrush in the night

so my mammal goes unfed
the worm too far along by dawn

those subways of a vein
aflow with burning novels

the fruitivore in a field of nicked ears
who sees by screaming

in my sleeping eye
peaches bobbing on a river

and the raft of feathers
threaded dry through the rafters


a pocketful of tokens for ferries
in a country I'll never get back to

gold hair spilling over the forearm
of the unwritten chapter

long thin bony arm
long dark empty night
thoughts flung far back into the lost

sunlight unexpected in the raindrops
spinning her back
the way the spinning top rebounded

I've been sick she said
crushed into a man attempting to hold
his planet in place with love

years and years hence the phrase
search forevermore
rings in the downy ears of a cat

heading to the window for entrance
and is tranced


somnambulating in a blanket
a marionette in a coat of dust
never reaches the front door
but cocks ear to muffled birds
at dawn at the front window song

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