

I remember, on television once, I saw a strongman tear a deck of cards in half with his bare hands. He said it was actually more difficult than tearing a phone book in half, because a phone book is wider and allows more leverage. I wonder what that man is doing now. I hope it's something epic, like wrangling dragons on Mars, or wrestling Architeuthis on the ocean floor. If he is moldering sad in a rusted trailer, surrounded by decapitated jacks and queens, then there is not much point in writing novels, or anything. I hope he at least brings in a good salary, and that someone remembers he existed. Anyone.


Anonymous said...

I really, really like this!

When I first saw this title I wasn't sure if you meant "Rip" or "R.I.P." and the ending does elude to the latter somewhat.

I often hope when I'm gone that someone, anyone, remembers I existed. I never ripped a phone book or a deck of cards in half so what's there to remember, ya know? I think we all hope to live long enough to do something memorable.

Great little story, Mark.


Mark said...

Thank you, Ann.

And to answer your question about the title: Yes.


Rachel said...

YOU remember. :) I like this, too...I LOVE the word "Architeuthis." It's such a wonderful word to say; it makes my mouth happy.