
Autumn is a verb...

...and I tell you, the sky is falling.


Charmi said...

Yes, but these dry bones of fall will rise again, and probably blow all over the lawn!

Mark said...

An enigmatic reply... (though I like it). I hope you didn't take my words as pessimism. Just some lame wordplay on my part. :)

Charmi said...

An enigma wrapped in a mystery ;-)

I wasn't thinking pessimism, really, just thinking about the seasonal nature of writers who live in climates with four seasons. I was also thinking about how geography affects writing.

Mark said...

I've always considered myself fortunate to live in a place where I get the experience the best and worst of all four seasons--it definitely made me who I am.

Charmi said...

Me too! I love the seasons.

But I was thinking of, too, say Russian writers and the harsh climate. Or even Sarah Palin and Alaska, if you want to stretch it, don'tcha know.