
Christening (first revision)


Call it ritual send-off,
call it amulet for the soul—

the smearing

cleansing a past of fault

—breaking an innocence
at the outset, in the hope
a smashing god won't try again.


Vessels shatter—
a brow whets,
lonely waves afflict the prow.

A poet is launched—
transparent love
the glass crashed without ceremony.


Ships, which are always spoken of
as women, and for that matter
so is the sea.


Charmi said...

The revision is fabulous! Wow!

Mark said...

Thank you. I thought, this way at least you can treat each part individually, since they don't quite flow together as one (just a thematic link). Is there any kind of formal name for dividing a poem up into numbered sections like this? If not I may have to think up something clever...

Rachel said...

YES, YES, YES...very, very nice revision. I love it.