
Summer Is Dead

Finally, the weather shifts. I love October--only in this month do cold, gray skies and rain seem appropriate. Now I can feel justified driving to Martins and picking up a gallon of cider (Kercher's October Gold is the best). The enormous pumpkins on the front porch have stopped sweating. The trees behind my office are green and gold; not gold trees and green trees but both colors on the same branch, evenly mixed, evoking the clothes of a jester, something carnival anyway.

Rejoice. Autumn has risen. From here on out the days will grow garish and crisp, and then into the leaden dusks we'll slide...


Easily Distracted said...

i love autumn. However, over here in Australia we are coming up for summer!

Talia Reed said...

Yes...I rather like the change, but then it isn't change anymore and I want it to change back. Currently, though, I'm satisfied.

Mark said...

E.D. (because I haven't learned your name yet) -

Yes, I noticed you mentioning the upcoming summer in one of your posts, crazy 'lil world, isn't it? :) By the way, looking at your favorite movies on your profile, we have some definite agreements--Eternal Sunshine, Stranger Than Fiction, Fight Club, Little Miss Sunshine. Great stuff.

Talia - I know what you mean. By February you'll likely hear me on this blog bemoaning the cold, gray wasteland that this city turns into by then, longing instead for the hot, lush summer to return. For now, though...

Rachel said...

That's Indiana. We're never satisfied with the weather except for the few days when it's new.