
A Graduation of Sorts

Today, I officially become the senior employee in my department. The last person who had been here when I started the occupation has now left for another job with another company. It was harder to watch her go than I expected, harder because nothing that happens here is supposed to really matter to me (my own rule, not theirs). But I liked this woman, a lot, not because she handled part of the load, but because she was such a good person. Nowadays everyone comes to me with their questions, and nowadays I seem to be full of answers. I was dragged kicking and screaming all the way, but after four years I have become an expert at my job--the English major who chronically skipped his classes has become a billing coordinator with over a hundred hours of unused vacation time.

Still, if you peel back the cover, or if you wait until nightfall downwind of the den, I promise, there is an artist who will emerge. He is always, always there.


Charmi said...

I often wonder what becomes of English majors, but now I know, thankfully, they're tucked into the seams of life everywhere.

Have you gotten your copy of P.4 yet?

Mark said...

No, and I completely forgot about the concert last night. We're hosting a scavenger hunt tonight, and I spent last night making up packets for the teams and cleaning the house.

I submitted a couple of pieces for P.4, did he use either of them?

Rachel said...

What exactly is P.4?

Mark said...

It's the underground publication that Neil was telling us about at the workshop. The only two P's I remember are "Parsley Paisley's..."

Rachel said...

Oh, yeah. I forgot. Thanks.

Charmi said...

Yes, both of them. I've got a copy on my little poetry workshop folder. Are you going to be able to join us soon!!!????

Mark said...

Well, I want to--but it's not going to be before December. We go live in our new computer system in December, and while I know that will be hectic, the build-up is even worse as we try to get everything squared away. Then I'll be in Florida the whole last week of November attending a conference...

Good news, though, is I took off the whole last week of December, so if you guys do a Chicory meeting during the day I can be there. Of course, there's the holiday to contend with the first part of the week...

I'll be happy if I can get out to Barnes & Noble to see Naoko's exhibition this month.