
Hip to the Bean

I have become a coffee drinker. There was no clear line that I crossed, no seductive espresso experience in an alleyway with a lighter and a silver spoon. It started with a cup here, a cup there, a little social drinking. At family gatherings when the question was asked "Does anybody want coffee?" I suddenly found myself with something to say. Peer pressure, obviously. Then I began working in an office, one that provided coffee to its employees in the breakroom, free of charge, and some mornings I just needed a warm drink with a little jolt of caffeine. Now, it's merely the jolt of caffeine I'm after (though not to be unfair to the coffee, the flavor and warmth are certainly attractive features, however it takes two sugars and a lot of cream to make it palatable--a practice my father would shake his head at, having admonished me in my youth that I should "learn to drink it black"). Now I think of Harvey Keitel's suave and indelible character from Pulp Fiction, who could take his coffee with "lots of cream, lots of sugar" and no one would dare question his mettle.

Note to all--the Chicory Cafe does a sinfully delicious cafe mocha. It's like cheating, hardly coffee at all...


Charmi said...

We've gone beyond mere addiction over here. We roast our own coffee beans.

Mark said...

Touché. :)

Rachel said...

I like mine black and extremely bitter, but I also can enjoy a nice cafe mocha at times.

The bean got me young, much like most of my other addictions. However, unlike smoking (and various others I won't mention here), I have never had the desire to quit the coffee.

Easily Distracted said...

Welcome to the world of coffee...however, I encourage (maybe even dare) you to explore your horizons, break away from the cream and sugar! This may involve exploring your coffee bean options, or adding variety to how it's served.
This is where I admit I'm completely addicted, and at 8 cups a day, I'm probably not the best to give advice (I'd just be encouraging more addictions across the globe).

Mark said...

8 cups a day... yes, that is quite a habit. I now have this image of you sitting on a chair looking like a vibrating guitar string. ;)

Easily Distracted said...

haha...almost a true depiction of how I am right now! I'm trying to pace myself today (I'm currently sipping on a cup of tea) - however, it's 4.30pm and I've had 5. I'm sure I'll slow down in summer.